Simplot澳大利亚品牌John West和pacific通过GDST网上赌博网站十大排行数据交换为金枪鱼行业树立了里程碑

May 21, 2024

Melbourne, Australia 澳大利亚金枪鱼市场的领导者J.R. Simplot Company’s John West brand, 以及领先的太平洋金枪鱼供应链可追溯性和验证公司, Pacifical, 使用GDST(全球海产品可追溯性对话)协议成功交换数据,这是一个历史性的里程碑. 这一突破性的成就为金枪鱼行业的透明度和网上赌博网站十大排行设定了新的标准.

测试阶段的成功完成见证了105个关键跟踪事件的传输——从捕捞、转运到排放和加工——通过pacific SmarTuna平台传输到John West的内部“Trace Our Tuna”网站. 这是确保金枪鱼产品实时可追溯性和与全球最高标准保持一致的重要一步.

"Over the years Simplot, in partnership with Pacifical, 我们对负责任的海产品采购实践的承诺是否取得了重大进展, to the point that 我们所有的鲣鱼系列都通过了最高标准的海鲜网上赌博网站十大排行认证,” said Phoebe Dowling, head of Simplot Global Food sustainability. “作为我们与太平洋长期合作的一部分,领导GDST倡议是我们在可持续发展方面开创性方法的一个合乎逻辑且有益的下一步, and we are proud to be part of this pivotal moment in the seafood industry.

“By establishing a reliable two-way data exchange between our systems, 我们正在证明供应链数据可以通过强大的操作和验证系统无缝传输, all unified under one common data protocol” she added. “这一成就使约翰西澳大利亚成为世界上第一个金枪鱼品牌,在其整个金枪鱼产品范围内的每个生产代码中交换和接收真正的网上赌博网站十大排行和社会数据, based on the GDST protocol.”

太平洋最近在3月7日成功通过了GDST全链能力测试, 2024, further cements its commitment to data transparency and sustainability. 通过利用GDST协议和采用数字链路通信协议, 太平洋已成为促进GDST数据交换的领跑者,每天装运50多种不同的金枪鱼产品, ensuring the integrity of the supply chain.

Henk Brus, Pacifical CEO, stated, “SmarTuna的成功测试阶段证明了我们对卓越可追溯性的承诺. Through our real-time platform, 我们促进了经过验证的关键跟踪事件的顺利传输, 确保100%符合GDST协议和跨系统的数据互操作性."

About Simplot

The J.R. Simplot Company is a family-owned, privately held global food and agriculture company headquartered in Boise, Idaho. Its integrated portfolio includes food processing and food brands, phosphate mining, fertilizer manufacturing, farming, ranching and cattle production, and other enterprises related to agriculture. Simplot has major operations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, India and China, with products and services available to customers worldwide. For more information, visit or learn more about Simplot’s business in Australia at To discover more about our John West brand visit

About Pacifical:

Pacific是一家专注于太平洋地区的金枪鱼供应链可追溯性和验证服务的领先供应商. 专注于确保整个太平洋金枪鱼供应链的透明度和完整性, Pacifical offers a comprehensive suite of solutions. Through direct engagement with fishing authorities, Pacific利用其SmarTuna平台验证金枪鱼捕获量,该平台是太平洋金枪鱼可追溯和验证系统,可实现无缝的数字可追溯性,并符合GDST标准. Committed to sustainability and accountability, 太平洋服务在促进负责任的捕鱼做法和保护海洋生态系统方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

About the GDST:

全球海产品可追溯性对话(GDST)是一项通过数字可追溯性改变海产品供应的运动和机制. 我们将行业和民间利益相关者联合起来,制定和倡导海产品可追溯性的全球标准, 同时支持供应链上的企业有效实施该标准. For more information:


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